How to boost collagen and elasticity in your skin - RAWKANVAS

How to boost collagen and elasticity in your skin

Ever read the words ‘increases collagen and elastin production’ on a product description and found yourself wondering what on earth that actually means? You wouldn’t be alone! 

When it comes to plump and bouncy skin, collagen and elastin are where it’s at. Essentially, collagen and elastin are proteins found within our skin’s connective tissue and they’re responsible for skin elasticity. And skin elasticity, is our skin’s ability to stretch and bounce right back. As our skin loses its elasticity though, it starts to sag and wrinkle. And this is where the ol’ sentence ‘increases collagen and elastin production’ comes right into play. It’s telling you that the product focusses on increasing collagen and elastin production within the dermis (the middle layer) of your skin, so you can enjoy your most elastic, plump and bouncy skin! 

Anyway, you get it! For everyone who’s goal it is to mature gracefully and to maintain skin elasticity – enhancing collagen and elastin production is the answer you’re looking for. And we’ll break down the products you’ll want. 
But first, what causes loss of elasticity? 

As we mature, production of our collagen and elastin proteins slow down, like most things... Combine that natural slowing process with exposure to environmental aggressors, UV exposure and lifestyle factors (stress, sugar, smoking, alcohol) and you’re left with skin that loses its elasticity – showing fine lines, sagging and so on. 
Maintain and increase skin elasticity with these five easy ways 

1. Sunscreen 

UV rays create free radicals, damaging the natural functions of your skin, especially protein production. But don’t worry all you sun lovers! SPF is to the rescue. Ensure you wear SPF daily, even if you’re inside, to minimise any long-term damage. 

2. Vitamin C 

With gallic and ellagic acids, vitamin C reduces protein breakdown in your skin, and assists with fine lines and wrinkles, sun spots, pigmentation, uneven skin tone and a dull complexion too.  

Check out Eternal: Plumping Deep Sea & Malachite Collagen Serum or The Foundation: Flawless Retinol & Vitamin C Lotion, each formulated with two powerful protein-building ingredients! 

3. Hyaluronic acid 

Hyaluronic acid assists in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles by retaining moisture within your skin, creating a plumping effect. When your skin is hydrated and protected, increased skin cell production can take place while your skin isn’t preoccupied fighting for hydration – helping to leave your skin smoother and plumper! 

All of our RAWKANVAS moisturisers contain hyaluronic acid. Check out Sol: Hydrating Gel Moisturiser for oily skin types, The Limelight: Brightening Probiotic Lotion for all skin types or Luna Vitality: Restoring Moisture Cream which is perfect for maturing skin types. 

4. Retinol 

As an all-round holy grail in skincare, retinol has been proven to increase collagen and elastin protein fibres within our skin. By increasing protein production, retinol can improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while accelerating your skin’s natural cellular turnover cycle too – meaning your best skin is always on show! It’s a major win. 

Check out The Foundation: Flawless Retinol & Vitamin C Lotion, formulated with two powerful protein-building ingredients. 

Collagen (topical) 

When it comes to collagen production in your skin, getting a collagen ingredient or product into your skincare routine feels obvious! Wakame seaweed, for example, assists to impede collagen breakdown, which increases your skin’s elasticity and smooths any fine lines too. Plump and bouncy.  

With ingredients shown to reduce wrinkle depth by 9%, increase skin elasticity by 17%, and increase the expression of the SIRT1 anti-ageing protein by 28% we recommend you check out Eternal: Plumping Deep Sea & Malachite Collagen Serum. 
And there you have it! Plump and bouncy skin can be attainable at any age, with a little of the right assistance. Enjoy the process, and just remember – any skin at any age is beautiful skin.